Fuel Your Dreams with our Football Training Plan

Members stretching at a gym cardio class

Hey there football enthusiasts! If you’re reading this, you most definitely share the passion for the world’s most beloved game. For you, football likely isn’t just a sport but more so a way of life. It’s about that thrilling moment when you score a perfect goal or that rush of adrenaline when you make a game changing tackle.

To truly shine on the pitch, you need a well-structured training plan that covers both on-field training and gym training for football. Look no further! Here, at The Gym Group, we share a detailed football training plan that includes gym workouts. Whether you’re striving to enhance your speed, strength, agility or conditioning, we’re here to help you reach your full potential on the field.

Your Ultimate Football Fitness Blueprint

Build a Strong Foundation

Squats: Let’s kick things off with squats. They work wonders for your quads, hamstrings, glutes and lower back. Aim for 3-4 sets of 8-10 reps and focus on perfecting your form, knowing that each rep brings you closer to your goals.

Deadlifts: Deadlifts are a game-changer in the gym training for football routine. They target the posterior chain, strengthening lower backs, glutes and hamstrings – the key muscles for football. Aim for 3-4 sets of 6 reps to build a solid foundation. If deadlifts is something new to you, why not join our deadlift workshop class?

Bench Press: When it comes to asserting dominance on the pitch, the bench press is a great exercise. Include 3-4 sets of 6-8 reps into your gym workout and sculpt that upper body to gain the extra edge in aerial battles. If traditional bench press does not appeal to you, consider a dumbbell bench press.

Romanian Deadlifts: Romanian deadlifts (RDL) help build strength and power in your hamstrings and glutes. Hamstrings are primarily fast twitch muscle fibres and will help unlock speed and power. 3-4 sets of 6-8 reps.

Overhead Press: Precise throws are essential in football. Precise throws can unlock opportunities in the game. By adding 3-4 sets of 8-10 reps, you enhance your shoulder and upper body strength, which can translate into better accuracy and better throws.

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Enhance Speed and Agility

Ladder drills: Perform ladder drills for 4-5 sets of 30 seconds each, with a 15-second rest between the sets. These drills will improve your agility by enhancing footwork and coordination, helping you navigate the pitch better and gain an extra yard on your opponent.

Cone Drills: Set up cones in various patterns and practice rapid changes of direction. Perform cone drills for 3-4 sets of 45 seconds each, with a 20-second rest between them. These drills are your secret weapon for becoming a force to be reckoned with on the pitch, helping you outmanoeuvre opponents with speed and finesse.

Forward Sprints: Forward sprints are great for straight-line speed, helping you improve acceleration and top-end speed – essential for chasing down opponents. Include short sprints (up to 30 metres), medium sprints (up to 60 metres) and interval sprints (sprinting at maximum speed for 20 seconds with 30 second rests). Using a treadmill, with its controlled environment and speed settings, can be particularly useful for improving your sprinting technique.

Leg Press: While not a direct speed-enhancer, leg press is essential for the lower-body strength required for explosive speed and agility in football. It targets key leg muscles and reduces injury risk. Incorporate it into your training plan with 3-4 sets of 8-10 reps. If leg press isn’t something for you, why not check out our leg workout for football players guide?

Develop Endurance and Conditioning

Long-Distance Runs: While speed and strength are vital, endurance is often the game-changer in a match. Running for 90 minutes straight can take a toll on you if you haven’t prepared for it. Start with 2-5 miles (3-8 kilometres). This will help you build your stamina, ensuring you perform at your best during intense matches.

Circuit Training: Circuit training is your secret weapon for combining both strength and conditioning. Perform exercises like burpees, jumping jacks and kettlebell swings. Train intensely for 30 seconds building up to a minute with a 15 second break in between exercises and repeat. Circuit training can be a game-changer in your football training plan, so why not join our circuit training class?

Rowing: Rowing provides a full-body workout, targeting muscles in your legs, back, arms and core. It’s an excellent choice for building cardiovascular fitness and enhancing overall endurance. Since rowing may be difficult to partake in, find an indoor rowing machine at a gym near you.

7 Day Training Plan


Exercise 1

Exercise 2

Exercise 3

Exercise 4



Bench/Overhead Press



Forward Sprints

Cone Drills

Agility Ladder Drills




Leg Press

Circuit Training

Bench/Overhead Press

Romanian Deadlifts


Forward Sprints

Cone Drills

Agility Ladder Drills







Rowing Machine


Recovery and Nutrition

As you continue your football journey, remember that recovery and nutrition are just as vital as your workouts.

Sleep: Sleep is body’s natural recovery mechanism. Aim to get 7-8 hours of sleep every night to enhance the benefits of your gym training for football.

Hydration: Staying hydrated throughout the day is a must. It keeps you at your peak performance during your workouts.

Stretching: Regular stretching ensures your muscles stay flexible and can prevent injuries and promote faster recovery.

Nutrition: Nutrition is the fuel that powers your body. Maintain a balanced diet rich in carbohydrates for energy, lean proteins for muscle repair and healthy fats for overall health.

Final Thoughts

  • Ask for Advice

    With a good training plan in place, the sky’s the limit. The exercises we mentioned will help you better your efforts in your workouts. With incorporating any new exercises, it’s important you consult with your coach, medical professional or a personal trainer to avoid any risks.

  • Check the equipment in your local gym

    Keen to get start working out? We have quality equipment and our gyms are open 24/7, so you can work out at a time that suits you. Why not invest in your training now and join The Gym Group today?

* Offer available at selected sites only. See Terms & Conditions for further details. ** 24 hour access not currently available at all Gyms. Please see individual Gym pages for further details. ⨥Applicable terms, conditions and joining fees may apply. © 2024 The Gym Group.